Saturday, July 2, 2011

Safe Weight Loss 101

Natural weight loss over time is the healthiest way to shed the pounds and will make you feel great. You have no doubt seen the miracle diet pills that are advertised everywhere dangling the quick weight loss carrot in front of you but these are not healthy. Weight loss pills in the main do not contain the proper amount of minerals and vitamins that your body needs each day. It will put a severe strain on your liver if you use diet pills or any other kind of deprivation method for losing weight. It is possible that stress on your liver can lead to chronic illnesses. The best way forward is to find a proven fat loss program that has been certified as healthy for weight loss and will be totally safe to use. The reason for weight loss should not be merely improvement in looks but enhancement of your overall health.

Healthy weight loss requires you to have a lot of patience and a lot of determination. Set yourself weight loss goals that are realistic and make sure that you exercise more. It is unlikely that you want to remain fat and unattractive so it should be pretty easy for you to keep your enthusiasm high for your weight loss program.

You need to include regular exercise to achieve healthy gains. A daily exercise routine starting at half an hour and gradually increasing is ideal. Be regular in your exercises as losing your rhythm is very easy. Over time you will learn to love your exercising and it will become automatic. Start off gently and then gradually spend more time on your exercises. Forget the car for those short journeys and do more things at home that require you to exert yourself more.

A proper diet that contains all the nutrients that you need is vital. Minimize sugar based foods, high fat content meals and try and build on natural carbohydrates and proteins. Green vegetables are very good for you as are many fruits, starches and grain based food products. Mix your diet up for the best results as you will be more likely to stick to it. You should eat a variety of food items. You need to consume a certain amount of calories per day to give you energy and improve your metabolism and the right food s will give you this.

You can also consult a registered dietitian for weight loss. Dietitians are educated and trained in nutrition and will provide you information about different food items, their compositions, calorific values and their benefits. You should also read food labels to get a clearer understanding of what you are eating. If a product is free from fat or close to this then give it a try as part of your healthy weight loss program.

Don’t do too many things at once as your body will retaliate and you may give up. Avoid the unhealthy diet pills as these can really make you ill. Every seven days or so add a couple of new changes to your lifestyle and this will work well. For example, in the first week, you can decide that you will not eat fried foods and walk daily during your lunch break. For the next week you could introduce more green vegetables into your diet and increase your daily exercise routine by ten minutes. This gradual introduction will be accepted by your body more readily and will slowly improve your health and fat loss. Tempting though it may be, don’t try to lose more than a couple of pounds every seven days.

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